
January 2010

Judge’s and Audience’s Award BEAST OF BURDEN
Written by Evan Fowler and Sam Carter, directed by Sam Carter. Watch Here
The latest installment in the thrilling adventures of the partakers in the Southeastern Delaware Renaissance Faire (home of the finest renntertainment on the entire Delmarva Peninsula!)
Written and directed by Thom Woodley, Bob McClure, Matt Yeager, and Johnny North.
You can still be all street when you're on a lake.
Written and directed by dp.
A story about the difficulties monsters have when the children they scare grow up.
Written by Evan Fowler and Sam Carter, directed by Sam Carter.
An attempt at flirting goes horribly wrong!
Written by Pete & Brian, directed by Jack Ferry.
A freewheeling animated take on global warming.
Written and directed by Yonghwa Choi.
Part of the Wanna Be a Star contest, starring audience member Heather Cole.
Written and directed by Katie Carman.


Wanna be a Star

At each month's screening, we randomly select a member of the audience and team them up with a director to star in their very own films!
See the List of Films